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Who will cry when you die ? By Robin Sharma | Book Summary and Review

In this article im going to give you a short book summary One of the best self-help book I've ever read named               " Who Will Cry When You Die ? "                                             By Robin Sharma  I've always thought this particular genre as not-so-interesting, but I've never actually tried it before 😑....I'm definitely not prone to prejudice! Anyway, I really really liked this one. There are 101 chapters or as the blurb says "101 simple solutions to life's most complex problems". I agree! Its been a while since I read it but I find myself thinking about this book every now and then and subconsciously trying to follow what it says. I even try to wake up early. 😃 So it definitely impacted me. Lesson 36 is to read "Tuesdays With Morrie" so I'll be trying that one next. This book provides advice on how to be the best ver...

#15 SHREEMAD BHAGVAD GITA |Summary and Review by A Book Monk

In this article im going to tell you about 1/100000000th part of SHREEMAD BHAGVAD GITA.
Almost everybody has heard about #bhagvadgita a lot. Being an avid reader, how can I not read the holy scripture.
I was told that it has all the answers to your questions. And for me, it did give me quite a lot of answers for the stage of life I an in and also to the points I was confused about.
P.S.- Before getting started i want to tell you guys that don't look at this book as religious Or Holy way consider this masterpiece as a way towards Spirituality.
                           SHREEMAD BHAGVAD GITA 
*Critique* (note- I am in no position to comment on holy Gita. These thoughts are only about the translation)
But a part of this edition compelled me to ponder was the translation. The translation did help to give the in depth meaning but it also emphasized on doing/ giving / donating for Krishna consciousness. Sometimes it felt that the translation rebuked others because Krishna is the Supreme and rest are the demigod and one who does not worship him are rebuked.

For me, there are so many points from the book...
Lust, Anger and Greed should be given up by all the sane men.
Each of us are given a duty and we must do it.
Live in the present and trust the Supreme #lordkrishna
Whether evil we do, at the time of death we will have to face it and as well may carry it to next life.
Do your deeds and do not wish for the fruits. #Universe is looking at it and will reward you timely. Nothing goes waste.
Do not compare yourself to others as their journey and aim is different than yours.
Meditate : Do yoga, which will help you connect with inner self and will fade away the doubts and indecision n fear you may have.
If you don't fight for what you want, don't cry when it's lost.
You will and you have to fight when the time comes, against your own people too.
We did not get anything to the world and we won't take anything. Hence perform the duties with full conviction and focus.
Progress and development is the rule of the universe. Don't stick to one surrounding or society or thoughts. Universe forgets old things and moves forward.
Take like as it comes, learn to get over it. Let go and have faith that everything happens for a reason.
Body is temporary soul is permanent.
Eating, sleeping or craving too much or too less is detrimental. Be temperate.
Doubting mind achieves nothing.
 No matter by which phase of life going through must read this Spritual Book.
My Book Rating- Simply im not worthy of rating this book.
                      Happy Reading ❤️
Please comment down your views on my post.


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