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Who will cry when you die ? By Robin Sharma | Book Summary and Review

In this article im going to give you a short book summary One of the best self-help book I've ever read named               " Who Will Cry When You Die ? "                                             By Robin Sharma  I've always thought this particular genre as not-so-interesting, but I've never actually tried it before 😑....I'm definitely not prone to prejudice! Anyway, I really really liked this one. There are 101 chapters or as the blurb says "101 simple solutions to life's most complex problems". I agree! Its been a while since I read it but I find myself thinking about this book every now and then and subconsciously trying to follow what it says. I even try to wake up early. 😃 So it definitely impacted me. Lesson 36 is to read "Tuesdays With Morrie" so I'll be trying that one next. This book provides advice on how to be the best ver...

#18 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari By Robin Sharma | Book Summary & Review

In this Blog Post I'm going to give you The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Summary.

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari  By sir Robin Sharma A great write so inspiring and helpful must read to know the way of living.
The book revolves around Julian mantle, a successful lawyer deep down an unhappy, confused, stressed person filled with pain who suffered a heart attack while he was arguing the Air Atlantic case and after he got discharged from the hospital he suddenly disappeared. His friend John who was also a lawyer went to meet him many times but Julian never met him and after few years someone was there to meet John “a mysterious visitor” who was no one other than Julian mantle with a miraculous transformation and from there started the story of Julian mantle’s transformation which includes “His visit to India, meeting Yogi krishnan who had given him the direction to find the sages, then comes his meeting with Yogi raman and from here starts the wisdom of personal change through a small story which has thousands of lessons in it.L

Here John plays the character who listens to Julian narrating and asks him questions about the journey and about what he learns from the voyage. The book is so well written that while reading you will feel that you are with Julian and he is narrating his story right in front of you.

             The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

Book's Achivement-The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Amazon is bestseller & The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Goodreads have 101,361 ratings & 5,968 reviews

10 Keys To Success You Can Learn From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.

1. Trade money in for meaning
2. Empty your cup so you can fill it with new ideas
3. You must open your own heart before you can touch other people’s hearts
4. Understand how powerful simplicity can be
5. Worry will drain your mind of its power

6. Tragedy can spark something great inside of you

7. Translate negative thoughts into positive ones to banish worry forever 
8. Start to dream that you are more than the sum of your current circumstances
9. Those who rise early have a purpose and those that don’t do not

10. The more courage you have, the greater your fulfilment will be

This book is one of the best life lessons book gove it a read.     HAPPY READING ❤️

Comment down your views on my blog.

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